After eighteen months of writing and revision, and two and half years after the ABA first solicited proposals for a book about Fastcase 7, my manuscript – all 275 pages of it with 255 graphics – is off to the printing press today.

Fastcase: The Definitive Guide will hit the streets in time for the ABA Techshow. (That was our eventual target date – the Law Practice Division Publications Board will be there and have some still-warm copies on the table, but that will be about it. I’ll be there, but there’s nothing formally tied in with the book.)
Second to going to law school itself, and almost as long as that, this might be the biggest task I’ve accomplished in my life. And while writing it was largely a solitary endeavor, having a supervising editor and three peer reviewers made the revision process a collaborative effort – as I say in the acknowledgments, everyone at the Law Practice Division Publications Board, and at Fastcase, has been very helpful.

Now to start working on the supplemental content this web page and blog that I promised in the book.