Had a great time at the ABA Techshow in Chicago last week – great to finally meet face-to-face with many of the people who made Fastcase: The Definitive Guide possible, including people at the ABA Law Practice Division, at Fastcase, and at CLIO (whose billing software is integrated with Fastcase and were very helpful with a demo account as I wrote that part of the book).
Apparently a rumor at Techshow was that Fastcase: The Definitive Guide – sthe twitter account, web page, book, or all of the above – was actually just a Fastcase stealth marketing campaign. I decided against using an author photo on the back cover of the book, but now I see that may have been a mistake. So at Techshow I tweeted out this picture of me at the ABA bookstore to try to dispel the stealth marketing rumors and to put a face with the book.
Helpfully, Fastcase CEO Ed Walters, the supposed brains behind the rumored stealth marketing campaign, re-tweeted me to help set the record straight.